Sunday, May 19, 2013

cutting against the grain...

I wish that I could name names on this blog.  I wish I could out all the people who have done me wrong and humiliate them with what is my rotting heart of broken pieces.  But I am not.  I may be many things...bold, audacious, obnoxious, cold, brave, rude, fearless, blunt, honest.  But I will never and I mean never go where I am not invited or solicited.  With that said.  I know you, I have heard you and more importantly I have seen you. 

Love is the most powerful force this world has ever known.  I love.  I love too much even.  I love so much, that the same love I give has the ability to hurt me more than I have ever known.  I wish so badly that I knew how to love and not hurt.  I am certain of only a few things.  My love has the power to mold my son.  My love has the power to encourage my son.  My love has the power to engage my son.  My love has the power to embrace my son and show him how to love himself.  So that when he gets older, he will not ever have to rely on others for what his mommy places so much stock in.  So that when he grows up, he will know his strengths and have so much confidence in himself, that he will not look for others to lift him up.  My love is that strong, and so is yours.  I hope and pray that the love you have within you, can be carried and given at the cost of nothing and at the expense of only what you can afford to be without.  I have been challenged and my strength is weak and my weakness is defaulted to love.  What was once my pride and joy, has now become my nemesis.  I am tired of the war and hope to find refuge in the arms of something equal to what I thought comforted me in the beginning, and now I see never really did.  It has been said that your children don't learn what you tell them, but what you show them.  That it is what they see that resignates more than what they hear.  I hope that these images will stay with my son forever, and when he revisits these memories he will know what love really is.
I know you know how important having friends is, but man, if it ain't expensive too, then I don't know what is.  Good thing Noah's daddy got himself a good job, because these kids party's get more and more costly the older and "friendly" they get.  Happy Birthday Mocho!
My husband...the redo'er of everything.  He is magnificent.  I know he knows that I think he is, but just in case he happens to be a loyal reader, Marcus, you are magnificent.  And I know you put up with a lot being married to me, so know that I know you are just about the best thing that could have happened to me and I am seriously very lucky to have you on my team.  I love you for all that you do for our home, our lives and our son.
KJ, welp, this girls getting married, and will be the 3rd wedding Paige and I will attend together, jeez!  Nonetheless, this young lady had about a zillion bachelorette parties, and she was kind enough to let her coworkers throw her one too.  We love you boo, can't wait till June 1st.
This bugga boo is growing up way too fast.  He is on the eve of everything and I just can't deal with it.  He has been asking since he could ask, to play a sport, "like on a team" he would say, forever.  We didn't think they could start earlier than 4, but then we got wind to the fact that they could, oops.  Anywho, Tball is the season, and Adan is happy and so are we.
Have you met my son?  In case you haven't, he is a superhero.  It was a bit of a challenge this year to do his party because he is into so many of them...the Hulk, Superman, Batman, any and all of the Avengers, especially Ironman, and so I had to result to Pinterest, again, for help.  And what I came up with was a generic form of a superhero party, and I think it was a big success.  I made/sewed a cape for each child out of towels, monogrammed of course, because I just love for each kid to feel special.  And the rest of the decorations, well, pretty self explanatory and visible.  Happy Birthday Adan, we love you so much!
I had to work Mother's Day, but luckily as you all know, I work nights.  All I wanted was to do absolutely nothing, and spend my day at home with my family, sleep in and stay in my PJ's until the time came to leave for work.  Marcus and Adan made me breakfast (Adan's favorite thing to do is crack the eggs in the pan, so he was real excited to tell me he made the eggs), and gave me a homemade card.  I took a nap with my little man, Marcus did laundry and packed me a lunch and then...I was off.  It was all I could have asked for and it was just perfect.
My My, already at wedding number 2.  My My, already with Paige again, at wedding number 2.  This wedding was seriously the funnest one that I have been to in a long time.  Yup, it was that kind of fun.  Katie and Randyn have been together for 12 years and they got married yesterday, and we were lucky enough to witness it.  Lake Travis ain't ever seen the white folk get down like that. 

Favorite Quote of the Night:
Me: "What, I thought only us Mexicans did that?"
(after the MC announced the dollar dance was seconds away)
Katie: "Nope, white people want money too" (then quickly chugs her vodka sprite and runs to dance floor)

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